Adventures in OpenWRT:

Hosting a Blog on your router

(Part 1 of N)

- openwrt

I originally wrote a guide for using OpenWRT to host a blog on an ASUS AC-87u, but the instructions are a little out of date and need a bit of a refresh. This newer guide should hopefully be simpler.


To start, I’m hosting this blog on a Linksys WRT3200ACM in my own apartment on a nightly build of OpenWRT. I’m no longer using extroot as I was before, as my SSD unfortunately died on me. I’m unsure what caused its early demise, though I have a feeling that it wasn’t getting sufficient cooling in the enclosure it was in. Instead, I’m using just a plain 8GB USB drive to host the site content, as it changes much more frequently than the rest of the system.

Before, I was using Grav as the CMS for the site and using a minimal PHP install on the router to drive the site through NGINX. I’ve now switched over to static site generation using Hugo instead, still using NGINX as the web server.

The site’s HTTPS certs are issued from Let’s Encrypt, which is also automated through a daemon,, that is running on the router.

NGINX replaces uHTTPd in this setup for convenience, as it is now able to serve the OpenWRT configuration interface LuCI as well as any other sites that are made accessible through the router.

Fail2ban can be used to ban malicious users, and is recommended if you have a public facing SSH. It can also be used to scan NGINX logs for password authentication failures, in case you have LuCI running publicly. Alternatively, if you use Dropbear instead of OpenSSH, you can use bearDropper instead for this purpose. Both approaches will be covered.

If you don’t have a static IP address, consider using a domain name provider that supports Dynamic DNS. This guide will cover how to set up a DDNS daemon on your router to automate this process.

Once you set things up, there’s very little maintenance that needs to be done, aside from your standard OpenWRT upgrades.